Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What's new in KC

Alright, JJ, I have finally given in to this whole blogging thing, so here's my fresh start. Zach and I have been living in Kansas City for almost 4 weeks now, and it's wonderful! I absolutely love it here and would even consider staying here for a bit longer after Zach graduates from Nazarene Theological Seminary.

Last weekend we headed down to one of the farmer's markets in downtown KC, Missouri (only a 10 minute drive from our apartment!). I have never experienced anything like that, and we had so much fun!

Our our way there it looked as though we were walking through a typical downtown. We saw several people turn into an alley, so we decided to see what was over there. When we turned the corner, I felt like I was walking the streets where Aladin would have lived! Suddenly we were in a block-wide swarm of people, fresh fruit, giant bags of spices sold by the scoop, pastries, fresh nuts, and more. How amazing! Needless to say, we will definitely be making more trips to KC's River Market.

We love all the adventure and excitement KC has to offer. Even a typical trip to Wal Mart is fun because everything we see is completely new to us. I love how my 10 minute drive to the grocery store takes me through four different cities! It's crazy how everything is so intertwined together.

Speaking of driving, Zach and I are still sharing my good, old, faithful car-Salena. We were hoping to have a vehicle for Zach by now, but things don't always go as planned unfortunately.

Today was our "deadline" that we set for having a new car because my 1-6 shift started this week at the bank, and Zach needs to leave around 5:00 for youth group at the church in St. Joseph, MO. Since Zach needed to leave before I would be off work, I figured it wouldn't be that big of a deal to get in a workout and just run back home after work.

The other day we clocked how far it was-5.7 miles. Even with being in track for 6 seasons, I have never run that far straight. I have not worked out at all since we moved, though, so I figured I need to suck it up and go the distance.

My manager, Jeric, knew about our car situation and asked how I was getting home. With a hesitant smile I told him I was running home. He just stared at me with his jaw slightly dropped. Oh great-maybe this is really as far as I keep trying to tell myself it's not. He then asked me which way I was taking back. "Well, since the only way I know how to get home is the interstate, I have no idea. That's why I have my trusty GPS with me that I will be running with!"

Being the nice guy Jeric is, he walked over to his computer to try and Mapquest the fastest way for me. Unfortunately since our apartment is .1 miles off the exit ramp of I-29, you have to cross the interstate to get to our apartment. "Don't worry, there is another way," Jeric said. "Oh wait a minute, it's been blocked off from construction for the last two years." Long story short, the only way home a runner can take has turned the 5.7 mile run into a 6.5 mile run.

Remember people, I am a jumper not a long-distance runner. This is definitely not sounding appealing to me, but I'm too stubborn and shy to ask anyone for a ride since I have known everyone for only one day. Jeric comes to my rescue once again by telling me the other employee that was closing with me would love to give me a ride. Hallelujah!

I have yet to work out, but I guess I'll save that 6.5 mile run for another day...or week...or month...


  1. I wish I could have given you a ride! I'm glad you submitted to peer pressure - I'm going to love reading about your adventures!

  2. Jessica,
    Glad you're blogging! Farmers' markets have to be one of the best ideas ever. Congrats on living so near what sounds like a wonderful one. Congrats as well on finding a ride!

    I look forward to hearing more.

  3. This is too funny sis, so enjoyed reading it...I remember telling you to ask someone for a ride, but I do understand your "shyness". So glad to see God did provide! Looking forward to more of this blogging stuff!:)

  4. bahaha. this is priceless. Both Amanda and I bursted out laughing at this blog!
